Wednesday 9/19/18


Teams of 2:
AMRAP in 25 Minutes:
100/80 Calorie of Choice,
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53,
100 Dumbbell Floor Press 50/35,
100 Burpee Pull-ups.

Tuesday Night Musings by Coach Ben.

Getting back to the Why”?

Hey party people! Today for my quick rant I wanted to talk to you about your whyThat is, why you finally got off the couch and walked through Helos front door. . .

Everyone has a reason, but not everyones reason will be the same. 

Maybe you are a runner that hit a wall and wanted to try something new to help you improve; or, maybe you had someone close to you go through some health issues that could have been prevented by living a healthier lifestyle. Whatever the reason, I want you to take a second, blockout all  distractions and think back to what the original why” was. Got it? Read on! 

Compare your initial why to what your why” is now. Do they match up? Did you take your original why” and improve on it or at some point did you get tricked by that sneaky pain in the ass want? Wants can be dangerous things. They can easily derail you from your goals. For example, you can start with training to be one of the greatest IronMan athletes of all time and then BAM! Suddenly your biggest concern is how shredded you look in a leopard print mankini. Not going to name any names but it rhymes with Malecio. 

Its very easy to have good intentions for improving one’s health. Its also easy to forget them when you see someone like Coach Kyle banging out muscle-ups with ease. Just like that you forget your why” and only focus on doing muscle-ups like that too. I talk to people at the gym all the time who get so down on themselves because they just missed a chance to PR a heavy clean & jerk – or are not quite able to get that bloody muscle-up. They become so frustrated with themselves and forget that less than a year ago, they were unable to go for a 10 minute walk outside without dying from exhaustion. 

Whys are very powerful. They can be what pulls you out of a deep hole. They can put you on top of the world. They can make people around you notice what youre doing – and maybe your whys are the inspiration that forces someone close to you to get off the couch and walk through Helos front door too. 

Ill conclude my rant with a little challenge for you. 

Now that were mindful of our original why,” I want you to ask yourself – did I improve? If so how can I build on itOr, did I get off track and now is the time to get back on?Remember you have your why.” Write it down somewhere where you will see it often. Put it somewhere like your phone, mirror, or the inside of your front door as a reminder. Nothing helps you get out of a funk and get to the gym better then seeing a little note saying something like to be around as long as possible for my children”. 

Its not as much about who you used to be, as it is about who you choose to be.” Sanhita Baruah.

P.S. Not sure what a mankini is? Google it, I dare you! 

Thanks for reading!


Coach Ben. 
