Wednesday 8/5/15


“31 Heroes”
In teams of two 31 Minute AMRAP:
Partner A Amraps,
8 Thrusters 155/105,
6 Rope climbs,
11 Box jumps 30/24,
Partner B runs 400 meters with a sand bag 45/25.

The 31Heroes WOD, and The 31Heroes Project, was born out of the tragedy of August 6, 2011 when a Chinook helicopter was lost in Wardack province, Afghanistan. The Chinook helicopter was carrying 17 Navy SEALs, two Navy EOD Technicians, three Naval Special Warfare Combat Support Sailors, two Army Aviators, three Army Air crewmen, three Air Force Special Tactics Operators, and one Military Working Dog.

Attention:  We are privileged to be a part of Preston and Jessica May’s announcement regarding the gender of their baby!! On Thursday night, we will be posting either Grace (a girl’s Wod) or JT (a boy’s/Hero Wod) for Friday’s Wod in their honor – stay tuned!! 
