Tuesday 8/4/15



Attention:  First, on Wednesday we will be doing the 31 Heroes Wod all day at the box.  It is a partner wod so either link up with a partner beforehand or just come to class and we will get you one as normal!  Second, we personally (ie. Alecio and I) are going to do a Whole30 Challenge starting Monday, August 10, where we thought we would offer it to anyone who wants to do it as well.  If you are interested, Julia will be at the box this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. to talk about it and go over the outline of a Whole30 Challenge.  She will also do before/after pics and measurements.  They need to happen on Thursday if you want to do them (talk to Alecio if that’s an issue).   We will have a log turn in for accountability but there will be no points.  There will not be any money, etc. – this is simply a self satisfaction endeavor.  We want to emphasize that we ask that if you commit – you truly commit as this is a 100 % effort all in kind of deal:) 
