Monday 6/13/16


5 Rounds:
400 Meter run,
15 Overhead squats 95/65.
18 Minute Cap.

Attention:  We are looking to put in an Adult Slow Pitch Softball team in the Fall, starting at the beginning of September that goes for about 1 month.  We are looking at either putting a team in on Monday nights or Tuesday nights.  They are double header games.  If interested, we will be having a sign up on the Board and for which night.  Cost will be approx. $35 – $40 per person.  Also, a little note to all you Whole30’ers out there, good job on hanging in , we have about 20 days left and hopefully you are starting to notice some subtle changes, like your skin is clearing up, you are sleeping better, or you are through that initial tough first week.  Typically most people quit on days 10 through 15, so stay strong and Keep it up!