Monday 3/3/14


400 Meter run,
75 Thrusters @ 75/45,
400 Meter run.


Nice job to all who came out to do 14.1 and everyone who came to check out the action!  We will be doing this every Friday for the next 4 week! On CrossFit Helo’s Facebook page we posted a link to all the photos that the photographer Erin Kay Handley took during 14.1 – check them out!!! 

Also we will be ordering Hoodies on Thursday (yahoo!) so we need to get your orders by then with sizes, type (i.e. zip-ups, pullovers, or both) and amount.  We have samples of the zip-ups at the box for you to try on and will also get a list going on the whiteboard.

Mobility WOD Monday!
