Monday 12/5/16


For time:
7 Muscle-ups,
7 Clusters (Squat Clean/Thrusters) 135/95,
70 Double-unders,
6 Muscle-ups,
6 Clusters 135/95,
60 Double-unders,
5 Muscle-ups,
5 Clusters 135/95,
50 Double-unders,
4 Muscle-ups,
4 Clusters 135/95,
40 Double-unders.
Jess’s week to program!

Mobility WOD Monday! Cleaning up those junky shoulders for better overhead position! Click HERE for video.

Attention: Last day to sign up for your hoodies.  Also, there will be a sign-up on the Board for the Christmas Party on the 10th designating how many of you are coming and the food, where you can pick to bring an appetizer, side, main/protein, or dessert! 

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