Friday – 7/6/18


10 Rounds for time:
5 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups,
10 Dumbbell Movement 50/35,
15 GHD Sit-ups,
Dumbbell Movements:
1. DB Push Press,
2. DB Burpee,
3. DB Power Clean,
4. DB Bench Press,
5. DB Lunges,
6. DB Front Squat,
7. DB Bent Over Row,
8. DB Snatch,
9. DB Deadlift,
10. DB Thruster.
23 Minute Cap.
Happy Birthday Julia:)

Attention: And the Winners of the Challenge are as follows: 1st Place for the Females and taking home $100 – Stacy B.(8.4 pounds, 9 inches lost)! 2nd Place for the Females and taking home $70 – Kim W (7.2 pounds, 6.75 inches lost)! 1st Place for the Males and taking home $100 – Brian McKiller (9.4 pounds, 10.75 inches lost)! 2nd Place for the Males and taking home $70 – Kenny S. (13.6 pounds, 12.75 inches lost)! As a group, the results obtained over 6 weeks were fantastic with everyone losing body fat and other notable results included: Trent (11.2 pounds, 11 inches lost), Krystal (7.2 pounds, 7 inches lost), Mason (12.4 pounds, 10 inches lost), and Russ (9.6 pounds, 9 inches lost)! Congratulate all of these athletes as they worked hard and it shows! 




