Friday 3/3/17



AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
2 Rounds of:
50′ Dumbbell walking lunge 50/35,
16 Toes to bar,
8 Dumbbell clean 50/35,
2 Rounds of:
50′ Dumbbell walking lunge 50/35,
16 Bar muscle-ups,
8 Dumbbell clean 50/35.

Attention: First, we now have 17.2 and again we will be running it all day. Starting at 4:30 p.m., we will be running the heats for the Friday Night Lights so come cheer as it’s going to be a good one! Second, Clay will have some meals for sale if you want to try some yummy, clean food. And third, given that there is no custom leaderboard this year, we are going to be posting the top 3 male and female scores that are used for the CF Helo Team each week.  For 17.1, your top Males were: 1. Emmanuel Godoy – 13:42, 2. Trent Christensen – 15:25, and 3. Alecio Mejia – 16:32.  Your top Females were: 1. Jessica Smith – 15:35, 2. Stacy Otteson – 17:01, and 3. Jamie Tuckett – 18:07.  

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 toes-to-bars
8 power cleans
Then, 2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 bar muscle-ups
8 power cleans
Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.

Men use 50-lb. dumbbells

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 toes-to-bars
8 power cleans
Then, 2 rounds of:
50-ft. weighted walking lunge
16 bar muscle-ups
8 power cleans
Etc., alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.

Men use 50-lb. dumbbells

OPEN 17.2

OPEN 17.2

12-min. AMRAP
50-ft. weighted lunge
16 T2B / 16 Bar MU*
8 DB cleans
*2 rounds of T2B, 2 rounds of Bar MU, 2 rounds of T2B, etc.

12-min. AMRAP
50-ft. weighted lunge
16 T2B / 16 Bar MU*
8 DB cleans
*2 rounds of T2B, 2 rounds of Bar MU, 2 rounds of T2B, etc.