Friday 3/10/17


8 Minutes to complete:
3 Rounds of:
6 Chest to bar pull-ups,
6 Squat snatches 95/65,
Then 3 Rounds of:
7 Chest to bar pull-ups,
5 Squat snatches 135/95.

4 Minutes to complete:
3 Rounds of:
8 Chest to bar,
4 Squat snatches 185/135.

4 Minutes to complete:
3 Rounds of:
9 Chest to bar pull-ups,
3 Squat snatches 225/155.

4 Minutes to complete:
10 Chest to bar pull-ups,
2 Squat snatches 245/175.

Attention:  17.3 has been released and remember that the Friday Night Lights will start at 4:30 p.m. so please show up on time.  Also, please know the standards for your Division/Category before coming in as this Wod is complicated and Alecio will not be able to explain it repeatedly.  We will have the Ramen Mobile here at 5:30 p.m. and Jessie will be providing 10 minute massages for $10 for our athletes (or anyone who wants one and has the funds)!