Friday 10/7/16


6-Minute Time Cap:

BUY IN – Med Ball Partner Sit-ups X 20
Each Athlete performs 10, passing ball to partner with each rep.


4 Rounds each for time:
10 Yard Run w/Medball 20/14,
10 Wall Balls 20/14,
10Yard Run w/Medball Back to Partner…
Switch Partners,
1 Minute rest into.

In 4 Minutes:
Max Power Snatches 95/65.

Attention: First, pumpkin carving contest will be held at the Box on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, at 12 p.m. – adults and children welcome, more details to come:) Second, Dallas had spine/neck surgery this week and Alecio saw him and while Dallas is doing good he can’t be doing any wods for 4 to 5 months, and for the next 3 weeks he will be home bound – so if anyone wants to visit him that would be great as he’d appreciate the company and we will have his address on the board!