Saturday 8/31/19


Teams of 2
For Time:
20 Calorie Row,

40 Dumbbell Push Press 50/35,
20 Calories Row,

60 Burpees Over Dumbbells,
40 Dumbbell Push Press,
20 Calories Row,

80 Sit-ups,
60 Burpees Over Dumbbells,
40 Dumbbell Push Press,
20 Calories Row,

100 Kettlebell Swings 50/35,
80 Sit-ups,
60 Burpees Over Dumbbells,
40 Dumbbell Push Press,
20 Calories Row.
30 Minute Cap.
Partners must keep all rep to 5-10 and
then switch.

Attention:  We wanted to draw attention to the amazing efforts that Trent C., Jake P., and Kyle C. are putting forth in the SouthWest Championship and we are proud that they are representing CrossFit Helo! They have had a great first day and hopefully as many of you as possible will come out and cheer for them since there is only a 7 am Wod.  The tickets look like they range from $38 for the lower bowl to some amount in between:) The guys sit in 2nd place after today in their Division and hopefully with some Helo fan support – they will be able to continue their strong efforts! Remember, there will be Open Gym on Sunday and then only 1 wod on Monday at 10 a.m. 
