Wednesday 8/8/18


For time:
Bicouplet 2
12-9-6 Reps of,
Snatches 95/65,
Bar Muscle-ups,
6 Minute Cap.
1 Minute Rest After The Cap.
For time:
Bicouplet 1
21 15-9 Reps of,
Snatches 75/45,
Chest To Bar Pull-ups.
6 Minute Cap.

Tuesday Night Musings by Coach Kris.
Coach Kris will make you JUMP, JUMP…
If you have ever been around for one of my CrossFit Kids classes you may have noticed some form of jumping going on either during their warmup, WOD, or game. Yes, it is fun and kids like to jump and yes, it is great cardio, but there is another reason I program some form of high impact/impact loading exercise into every class that is more important – Bone density! 
With every jump – kids can literally “bank” bone strength for their future skeletal health. Research done by the National Osteoporosis Foundation has shown that the most direct influence on an individual’s bone mass development throughout life is their genetics (60-80%) but that the remaining 20-40% can be influenced by lifestyle factors including physical activity and of specific benefit is high impact physical activity. This is especially important for girls given that girls or women are the most at risk for developing osteoporosis as they age, and the greater your bone density as you age, the less likely you are to develop osteoporosis. 
Exercise is a key ingredient to bone health and high impact weight bearing exercises (like JUMPING!) gives kids (and adults too) the most bang for their buck because just like muscles, bones respond when they are stressed. During class, we also focus on proper landing mechanics so joints stay healthy as well. If you have kids or grandkids or are around kids, encourage them to participate in some form of impact loading exercise daily…hand them a jump rope, take them for a run, or knock out some box jumps on a curb.
Current research points to the greatest opportunity for influencing bone mineral accrual is during the growing years and that is why it is a focus during my Crossfit Kids classes. However, research also shows it is important to continue such activity across ALL ages so the next time you see box jumps, double-unders, running, or even burpees programmed in a WOD – know that you are doing your bones a huge favor by participating in those exercises. They will thank you later for it!      
There is a TON of research about all of this but Jon Gary wrote a research brief for the CrossFit Journal and has links to some of the most pertinent current research if you’d like to learn more.  See
Thanks and happy jumping. 
Coach Kris
Attention:  We would like to do a life fantasy football draft this year on August 25 – if it is something you can do, please put your name on the board.  The hoodies ($40) and new hats are in – if you take one please put your name on the sheet!