Wednesday 3/11/15


Barbell hip-ups:
Then for reps:
1 Minute max calorie row,
Into 2 minutes max kettlebell swings 53/35.

Attention:  First, to the 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. wods – Alecio wanted to apologize as he felt he was having a long day (and we are unexpectedly nanny-less at the moment) so we wanted to say we appreciate each of you and thank you for your patience in him trying to coach and have Tristan there!! Second,  we will be having The Matterhorn Gourmet French Toast Food Truck at our location this Friday for the Open and 15.3 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (they take cash or credit card).   We know it’s not Paleo but we strongly encourage you to come to cheer, enjoy some great food as a treat, and/or compete on Friday and bring your friends and family!!!! 

