Wednesday 12/4/19


For Reps:
Tabata Bike, Ski, Row,
Rest 1 Minute,
Tabata Toes To Bar,
Rest 1 Minute,
Tabata Bike, Ski, Row.
Score is total reps. Athletes should choose
a different piece of cardio for the second tabata.

Tuesday Night Musings with Coach Ben.

The Priority is Fun.
Hi everybody! 
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and now December is starting off with a bang. Right out of the gate I want to apologize for how short this will be. I had my blog all finished up and just as I was going to save it and send my blog over, my phone crashed and I lost everything. So, I am going to go straight to the heart of what I wanted to talk about. 
What I wanted to talk to you folks about is – how important it is to make sure you prioritize having fun at the box! I want your number one goal to be when you get to the box to make sure the only thing you are concerned about is having a good time. Nothing keeps you around longer then having fun when you are getting after it and nothing gets you to stop faster then something that sucks. One great side effect from longevity is that you naturally get stronger, faster and more gymnastic-y. 
Make sure if there is something you want to improve at or be able to do at the box, it’s because YOU actually want it and it’s not something you think other people think you should want. If you aren’t into it you won’t enjoy the process and you will quit and then you will just have lost precious time. This especially goes for resolutions after New Years Eve. If there is something you feel like you need to do or do better, make sure it’s something you could do forever if you had to, otherwise I promise it’s a lost cause and a waste of time. 
As alway, you guys and gals rule. Have fun and you do you!
Thank for reading! 
Coach Ben
