Tuesday 5/31/16


EMOM for 20 Minutes:
Min 1: 20/18 Calorie row,
Min 2: 30 Sit-ups,
Min 3: Max double-unders,
Min 4: Rest.

Attention: First, we hope everyone had an excellent Memorial Day weekend and for all 33 of you that came in and did “Murph” today at the 9 a.m. Wod, great job on showing your respect and appreciation! Second, we are going to be doing a Challenge which will start this Thursday, June 2, and go to Friday, July 1st.  Measurements will be done on Saturday, July 2nd, during the 2 normal Wods.  It will be a Whole 30 Challenge, buy in will be $25, and the talk will be this Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. (Jess will still be teaching that wod). If interested, please sign up tomorrow or on Wednesday so we know numbers.   Third, Ben will be teaching the Snatch at the Olympic Lifting Class.  
