Tuesday 1/2/18


For max reps:
1 Set of unbroken wall balls 20/14.
We also have a good amount of Bulletproof work!
Happy Birthday Coach Manny – We love you and are lucky to have you at the box!

Attention:  First, Ben will be teaching the Snatch at the Olympic Lifting Class (the Open is around the corner so come in and work on your technique)! Second, we will be doing the Nutrition talk for our Challenge this Thursday in place of the 6:30 p.m. Wod.  This Challenge revolves around real food principles and portion sizes so if you didn’t do the one last June, come in and listen to it, because there will also be a few changes.  We are going this way because of the great results obtained where we have combined different components that we have learned over the years to get you the best outcome! The buy-in will be $25. The actual Challenge will start on Monday and go to February 13th.  You need to get your measurements and photos done before Monday and they must be taken in the box.  Julia will be in the box on Thursday night, as well as Friday and Saturday to do both, and there will be the cash prizes and bragging rights as usual!