Thursday 6/9/16


6 Rounds for time:
50 Double-unders,
15 Wall balls 20/14,
2 Rope climbs.
Long socks! Two pairs!

Attention:  We are thinking of adding a new class on Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. that Preston will be coaching.  It is a Powerlifting class that would follow the Conjugate Method made popular by Westside Barbell. The class would focus on 3 main lifts, the squat, bench press and deadlift. Preston will be using variations of these three movements as well as accessory exercises to build muscle and increase strength. The class will be great for athletes at any stage of fitness.  You  will be finding a 1RM each class, in a variation of one of the three main lifts. Afterwards you will hit 3-5 accessory movements that will help increase muscle and strength in areas specific to the three main lifts.  It will be the same as our Olympic lifting class – 4 classes for $10.  If you are interested or would like to see that class implemented, please write your name on the Board!
