Thursday 2/16/17


For time:
Reps of Deadlifts 225/155,
With 10 toes to bar after each round.
13 Minute time cap.

With the 2017 CrossFit Open around the corner, here are my top 5 reasons to do the CrossFit Open:

1.  You can win a cool prize! 

If you sign up and are part of the CrossFit Helo Team and do any (but hopefully all) of the 5 workouts, your name gets entered into a raffle where on the last Friday, we will draw the name of one guy and one gal who will get one custom ID pair of Nike Metcons!! 

2. It’s fun!

There is nothing that beats being a part of a special group of athletes at the box where each weekend you gather and cheer for each other, you push yourself as well, you moan and groan together, and you can hang out and eat together (who can beat earning a meal from a food truck that we bring in or going to IHOP after), creating bonds and memories that last for years!

3. You may or may not get a PR!

Inevitably, you will likely do something you never thought you could do, or you will see someone else do it, and it feels awesome to push yourself through a challenging workout and survive a champion!

4. It’s Positive!

For 5 weeks you get to be a part of a worldwide competition and enjoy the highs and lows of seeing your strengths and weaknesses exploited in varied workouts each week. As a CrossFitter, if you have signed up, you are a part of a huge ball of positive energy that will transcend not only Helo but hundreds of thousands of people. Why not give it a whirl when there is a scaled and rx division, to be able to be part of that good energy, rather then be a Debbie downer and have excuses, or worse, talk badly about the Open to try and defend yourself? That is no fun (refer back to Reason No. 2!).

5. Your Participation helps CF Helo!

It is our goal to be in the top 100 boxes this year for the Open in our region. The more people who are doing the Open in either division, the better chance we have of getting better scores and the more opportunity we have to brag about our members and cheer you on! We are proud of our members and the Open is our chance to show the world how awesome you are!

At the end of the day, I’ve never heard someone say that they regretted signing up for the Open, only that they regretted if they didn’t! I hope my little piece will convince you to go for it and sign up! I think you will have a blast if you do 🙂 

Best Regards,
