Thursday 2/12/15


14 Minute EMOM:
Odd minutes 10 Burpee box jumps 24/20,
Even minutes max slam balls 25/20.
Score is total number of slam balls.

Attention: Remember at 6:30 p.m. we will not be doing a Wod (we will open a couple extra spaces at 5:30 p.m.).  Instead we will be there talking about transition options for people who may want to keep up with their good eating habits yet are looking for some additional approaches that can incorporate Paleo (or not) and can give back some flexibility and sustainability!! This talk will just be an outline as we will not be going into a ton of depth at this point, we just want to get the information out to you.  Try to download the MyFitnessPal App before you arrive tomorrow the 12th for the talk! We look forward to seeing you there! You don’t need to sign up for the talk, just come:)