Monday 2/9/15


3 Minute AMRAP:
3 Push-ups,
6 Sit-ups,
9 Hang cleans 95/65.
Repeat for 4 rounds  with a 1 minute break between rounds.

Attention:  Last week of the Challenge – whoohoo!!! We are excited for the results!! The two challenge “after” wods will be on Tuesday and Wednesday so make sure you get those in as they are part of your final scores!! All logs and measurements are due on Saturday, Feb. 14th (the final day of logging will be through Friday, Feb. 13th).  Also, if you are interested in discussing some other nutrition options so as not to undo all of your hard work, on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. we will be discussing different concepts like “flexible dieting” briefly to give you some ideas moving forward.  We also want you to download the MyFitnessPal App and practice using it as an additional tool, getting used to it – don’t worry about calories or intake and log as normal but this will help you be ahead of the game for our talk if you attend.  If you are interested in getting measured or weighed in on Thursday, Julia will be there on Thursday as well as Friday night around 6:30 p.m., and Saturday morning.  Please understand that there are a lot of people still in this and be patient with any wait times:) Second, on Friday, for the Kids CrossFit Classes, please note that the Little Birds will be starting at 2:45 p.m. and the Blackhawks will remain the same.  Finally, the CF Helo Ladies Night went great!  Julia wanted to say thank you and we hope that everyone had a fantastic time as you each made it a wonderful success!! 

Also, people often ask about the various over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), click here for an article addresses the risks of taking them.