Monday 12/4/17


5 Rounds for time:
10 Power cleans 135/95,
10 Bar facing burpees.
Click HERE for tips on those burpees!

Attention:  Make sure to get your order in for a Zip-Up Hoodie as we will be placing the Order by end of day.  Also, the 5th Annual Helo Christmas Party is this Saturday, December 9th – starting at 4:30 p.m. with White Elephant Bingo at 5:30 p.m.   There will be a sign-up on the Board for attendees and food.  If you want to play Bingo, make sure you bring a $10 White Elephant prize! Wear your best or ugliest holiday sweater – friends and family are welcome:) Also, as the snow starts, make sure your shoes are completely dry before you hit the gym floor, or bring them with you and wear a separate pair in, that you leave at the door, to avoid tracking any snow inside! 
