Monday 10/20/14


4 Rounds for time:
5 Muscle ups,
10 Burpees,
15 Box jump overs.


First, the Crossfit Kids classes have been going great!  Kris and the kids are doing amazing!  It’s cool to see how quickly kids  pick these skills up and implement them as their bodies adapt so quickly to the movements.  On an important note, however, the trial period will end this Friday.  Therefore, going forward we will be having the Little Birds continue to meet on Fridays at 2:30 p.m.  The price for the Little Birds (if you choose to get on the Autopay) will be $30 a month for the first child and $20 for the second (it’s $10 more if you go month to month).  The Blackhawks will meet twice a week, they will meet on Mondays (starting Oct. 27th) at 7:30 p.m and keep the same Friday time at 3:30 p.m.  The monthly price for the Blackhawks (if you choose to get on the Autopay) will be $40 for the first child and $30 for the second.  We also have 10 class Kids punch passes as well  that you can ask about.  We will definitely progress to more classes for both groups as they grow.  Finally, if your kids did not attend the trial month it’s not to late to get them moving!  How many times have you said to yourself… I wish i had this when I was younger.  Well now is your chance to get your kids rolling.

Second, the Olympic lifting class will continue to meet on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.  

Third, please note that we are also going to cancel the Friday Wod at 6:30 pm going forward, due to lack of  demand  but let us know if you want it as we would reconsider based on your input .  

Mobility Wod Monday:  in this video we learn how to strengthen the turn over position in the muscle-up. 

