Friday 6/21/19


12/12/1976 – 1/16/2019

5 Rds:
30 Calorie Row,
30 Walking Dumbbell Lunges 50/35,
30 Deadlifts 135/95,
100 Double-Unders,
26 Kettlebell Swings 53/35.

* The 5 Rds represent Seal Team 5
* The 216 Reps Per Round Represent Buds Class 216.

45 Minute Time Cap.

Attention: As some of you know, before we opened CF Helo, Alecio coached at CF Draper and I (Julia) had the pleasure of getting to do wods at SLC CrossFit.  When we opened CF Helo, owner, Justin Dickson, kindly let Alecio and I take him out to a couple of lunches and pick his brain on our ideas about our box.  I got to know Cassidy Dickson as well before we opened Helo 6 years ago.  When Justin lost his best friend earlier this year, my heart hurt for him and so, to honor and acknowledge that loss, for GFF Friday, I have programmed this Hero wod which SLC CrossFit did on Memorial Day – out of respect for my friend, Justin, and more for someone I never knew but Scotty sure sounded pretty awesome from the tales I overheard.  I hope you get in and do this wod as well as we should all be grateful for the courage and bravery of individuals like him.  
