Friday 2/9/18


EMOM for 30 Minutes:
1. 2 Rope climbs,
2. 15/12 Calorie bike,
3. 15 GHD sit-ups,
4. 15/12 Calorie row,
5. 18 Wall balls 20/14.
Click HERE for old scores!

Attention:  The CrossFit Open starts in 15 days – register at and be sure to select CF Helo as your team! If you sign up for the Open and compete in at least 1 wod, we then enter you into the box raffle where on the night of the last wod, we pull from a hat and 1 male and 1 female get a prize from Helo just for participating! This year you will get to choose from: 2 months of free CrossFit; 1 custom pair of Nike Metcons; or 1 custom Rogue bar ($250 value)!!!! 
