Friday 11/14/14


“Open 11.5”
20 Minute AMRAP:
5 Cleans 145/100,
10 Toes to bar,
15 Wall balls 20/14.

Attention:  People have been asking  lately about some of our supplements and what are the benefits and if they should take them.  Please find below a brief summary for your consideration.  

Fish oil –  The health benefits for fish oil are numerous and anyone who was been around us at the Box has likely  heard us waxing on about fish oil.  Here is a quick list of some of the benefits:

1. Reduces inflammation! Helps relieve pain and fights arthritis;
2. Maintains cardiovascular health;
3. Maintains brain function, it can also help alleviate symptoms of depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders.
4. Helps protect against cancer: breast, colon and prostate;
5. Helps prevent degenerative disorders like Parkinson’s Disease;
6. Lowers triglyceride levels;
7. Helps to regulate cholesterol; and,
8. Can give you clearer skin.

Vitamin D – It’s that time of year that we don’t get quite enough vitamin D because we are not exposed to the sun.  So why do we need vitamin D? Here is a quick list of some of the benefits:

1. Maintains strong bones and regulates the absorption of calcium;
2. Maintains immune system. Helps fight off those colds and flu!
3. Reduces risk of osteoporosis; and
4. Reduces risk of depression.

Magnesium – Here is a quick list of some of the benefits:

1. Magnesium treats migraines, insomnia, and depression;
2. Maintains electrolyte balance;
3. Reduces fatigue;
5. Required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body;
6. Relief from symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome;
7. Prevents cardiovascular diseases;
8. Essential for muscle function; and
9. Assists in alleviating symptoms/signs of diabetes.
