Friday 10/5/14


10 Minute AMRAP:
30 Reps snatch @ 75/45,
 30 Reps snatch @ 135/75,
 30 Reps snatch @ 165/100,
As many reps as possible @ 210/120.

Attention:  In case you have never noticed – Position is not only everything in CrossFit but it is also critical in life!  Lower back problems can be attributed to how we sit, hold our head, or even use our phones when we are sending a text message.  The picture demonstrates how just looking at your phone in a bad position puts stress on your neck and lower back. For example, a 60 degree neck deviation puts up to a 60 pound load on the neck and back.  Imagine putting a 60 pound weight on your neck!!  Just a friendly reminder to try and make better decisions regarding your body position the next time that you look at your phone! 
