Monday 11/25/13

WOD 800 meter run 20 handstand push ups 70 sit-ups 100 air squats 400 meter run 10 handstand push ups 35 sit-ups 50 air squats Dress warm!   Attention We will be having a holiday schedule this week so please check the classes/sign up before you come in. Monday and Tuesday will be a normal … Read more

Saturday 11/23/13

WOD Nilu’s birthday wod! 100 burpees for time! She asked for it, you get to do it! Not really. 20 minute amrap: Teams of 2, 4 rope climbs, 20 deadlifts 135/95, 100 meter farmer carry 53/35.

Friday 11/22/13

WOD Bench mark “Jackie” 1000 meter row 45 pound Thrusters, 50 reps 30 pull-ups So, here is a little background information about the picture above.  Although I apologize for it being so blurry I’d like each of you to focus on what is happening in it – because it is beautiful.  Hugh has always had … Read more

Monday 11/17/13 WOD

WOD 21/15/9 reps of: Box jumps 24/20, Kettlebell swings 53/35, Hip extensions. Then Kelila’s B-day wod: Death by double unders.  

Friday 11/15/13 WOD

WOD 3-3-3-3-3 Strict Press. 3-3-3-3-3 Push Press Or Jerk.   Attention This Saturday is the second part of our two week running clinic.  So no weekend classes and we look forward to seeing you all Saturday morning at 9am.

Thursday 11/14/13 WOD

WOD Four rounds of 500 meter row and max kettle bell swings 53/35 in 2:10/2:20. Athletes will have 2:10 or 2:20 to row 500 meters.  With remainder of the time complete as many reps of kettle bell swings for score.  Rest between rounds is 2:00.