Wednesday 4/10/19


5 Rounds On A 3 Minute Clock:
Row 500 Meters,
With Remaining Time Max Bar Muscle-ups.
Rest 2 Minute Between Rounds.

Tuesday Night Musings with Coach Manny.
Re-evaluating Your Goals. 
Hey my Helo peeps! Today you get to listen to my tiny voice in your head…. bwahaha! 
Back at the beginning of the year Coach Ben talked about goals and writing them down. Now, I wanted to talk about re-evaluating your goals to see if you’re on the right path to meeting them. It’s a great thing every so often to look at your goals and see if you are where you need and want to be. Or maybe those goals have changed and you are in a different position where now those goals are not a priority or they are out of reach for a little while so new ones need to be made so you can find your way back to that original goal. You took time to think about it and write it out so it means something to get back there but it may just be a longer road now that you have different obstacles to face. 
For instance… let me share one of my goals with you. I knew this year I didn’t put in the extra work for the Open in February. I had other goals at the time I was focused on. So I went in with an open mind knowing all I can do is my best, with the time I had put in. I had a goal for October 2019 and that was to come back better and put in some work for the fall. And then I got hurt again… so now with that setback I’m re-evaluating my goal so it’s still within reach and I can stay on the same path by trying to figure out what I can do in the mean time to get stronger and better so I can still hit that goal. 
I’ve been taking the time to really focus and make my injury a priority so I can come back better. I’ve been scaling my wods, stretching, working on my mobility, recovery time, and just really listening to my body so I can get my hip back to normal. Whatever your goals may be in or outside of the box, take a look at them often and see if you are still making progress in the right direction. If not re-evaluate them and figure out small things you can do to make progress to reaching them.
Thanks for reading! 
Coach Manny