Thursday 11/14/19


For Time:
30 Toes To Bar,
25 Strict Handstand Push-ups,
20 Shoulder To Overhead 155/105,
15 Bar Facing Burpees,
10 Hang Power Snatch 155/105.
12 Minute Cap.

Attention: First, we are excited to say that in Utah on the Affiliate Leaderboard under the comparison for Top 10 Athletes over the 5 Open wods – CrossFit Helo finished 1st! This is an awesome accomplishment showing the breadth and depth of the boxes and it is pretty nifty to see that your hard work paid off! Second,  it’s that time of year again to sign up for Helo’s Turkey Day 20 k Row! It’s $25 where a portion gets donated to a local charity, and the other part goes to something commemorating your participation! In the past we have done shirts but this year it will be something different:) There will be a sign up on the board in the next week with 1 or 2 heats on Wednesday night during the evening wods, and the remaining heats will be Thursday (Thanksgiving) morning starting bright and early! 

