Saturday 2/22/14


Teams of 2 complete the following:

50 Ring push-ups,
50 Russian kettle bell swings 70/53,
400 meter team run with kettle bell,

40 Ring push-ups,
40 Russian kettle bell swings 70/53,
400 meter team run with kettle bell,

30 Ring push-ups,
30 Russian kettle bell swings 70/53,
400 meter team run with kettle bell,

20 Ring push-ups,
20 Russian kettle bell swings 70/53,
400 meter team run with kettle bell,

10 Ring push-ups,
10 Russian kettle bell swings 70/53,
400 meter team run with kettle bell.

If it’s cold or raining we will change the workout! Happy Birthday Zach!