Monday 9/29/14


For time:
1 Minute handstand hold.
5 Rounds for time:
15 Burpee box-overs 24/20,
15 Kettle bell swings 53/25.
1 Minute handstand hold.

Attention: First, we were thinking of implementing an Olympic Lifting Class which would take place at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights of 45 mins to 1 hour.  If this is something you can attend, please put your name on the board.  Second, a big thanks to Kris for the first trial Kids classes on Friday and we have a lot of great things to come.  Third, the Retro Games have come to a close and what a great weekend it was!  It was the first competition for many of our athletes and they all did exceptionally well!  We had a group of ladies take 1st, 5th, and 8th in their Division and the guys finished 4th, 6th, and 13th.  As a coach, the best moments of the weekend were seen in the individual efforts but forth by Brian and Donette.  Donette’s partner was injured and only able to do 10 of the 50 Atlas Stone throws.  So Donette sucked it up and crushed out at least 40 Stone throws solo! HAM! Brian’s partner had to leave for the final event due to how late it ran to attend his son’s soccer game (being a good dad) so Brian decided to do the last event, which was a tough huge chipper, solo!! This Wod crushed some of the teams and he held his own by himself! Also HAM! And finally, we are a new box and yet the proficiency that everyone moves with is impressive, which we got comments from others about.  During the clean ladder we had some big PRs and looked good doing it.  The overhead Squat Wod we killed! And we did it with exceptional form which is not always the case at competitions.  I’m honored to be your coach and really enjoy watching everyone grow as an athlete.  Julia and I are also honored to have those who competed, came to watch, and are members as part of CF Helo as you all do us proud!  


Mobility Wod Monday!! Notice the bedroom face by Paoli.