Friday 2/8/19


5 Rounds For Time:
21 Box Jumps 30/24,
15 Overhead Squats 95/65,
9 Ring Dips.

Attention: Challenge Goers! Julia will be doing after pics and measurements this Saturday after the 9 am wod, Sunday at Open Gym, Monday night, Tuesday night and Wednesday during 4:30 and 5:30 pm but I hope both members and coaches who did this Challenge will come on Wednesday night at 6:30 pm to get some active pics by the fabulous Kristin Park! There will be no wod at 6:30 pm and this is a free photo shoot as a thank you to those who participated so come out and show your hard work!! We will prob do 3 diff poses per person (may be diff then those shown in the posts on Facebook by our Helo Models that kindly did a test run for us) 6 more days! hang in there! 
