Tuesday 6/6/17


Regional Event 3
For time:

100-ft. dumbbell overhead walking lunge 50/35,
100 double-unders,
50 wall-balls 20/14,
15-ft. rope climb, 10 ascents,
50 wall-ball shots 20/14,
100 double-unders,
100-ft. dumbbell overhead walking lunge 50/35.
16 Minute time cap.

Attention:  We are doing our 4 week Beach Body Nutrition Challenge starting Monday, June 12th.  It will be different then any Challenge before, so if you are wanting to do it – you have to come to the talk on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.  (there may be an alternative time on Friday or Saturday that Julia will be at the box and give the talk again – if you absolutely have a good reason why you can’t be there). There will be questions and it’s $20.
