Tuesday 6/26/18


24 Minute EMOM:
14 Wall balls 30/20,
32 Double-unders,
14 Russian kettlebell swing 70/53,
5 Wall walks.
Athletes must stop at the 45 second
mark of each movement if not finished.

Attention: First, the Challenge is ending on July 2nd, with all who are participating turning in their final logs by Tuesday, July 2nd, at 12 p.m. and all final measurements should be done on Tuesday as well! Julia will be at the 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. wods! Julia is willing to do the measurements and final pics over the weekend but if you don’t go through Monday with your logs, you will not be in the running for the final prizes!  Second, this leads to our 4th of July Beer (or pop) Mile race! We will be doing 1 wod that day which will be shortly followed by the race – the defending Champion has moved away which leaves it open for Manny to try and reclaim it – or for a new Champion! There will also be an excellent prize this year:) Third, also don’t forget bring a friend or family day this Thursday! 
