Monday 6/5/17


 Regional Event 2
For time
Reps of Dumbbell Snatch,
Ring Dips.

Mobility wod Monday! How is your ring dip!  Lets clean that position up!  Click HERE to listen to the man!

Attention: First, we will be doing a 4 week “Beach Body” Challenge – starting Monday, June 12 to Monday, July 10.   It will be different than anything we have done before so if you want to partake you MUST attend the talk which will be this Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in place of the Wod.  It will be based on very healthy, real food, home-based eating, and will have meal/portion control.  There will be a lot of questions, so again – if you want to do this Challenge – you have to attend the talk.  It will be $20 per person.  Second, we will also be implementing some new accessory work before and after Wods, which will be Coach led, so we may push the warm-up a bit some days to ensure we get it in!