Monday 6/27/16


15 Minutes to find a 1 rep max back squat.
15 Minutes to find a 1 rep max front squat.

Mobility Wod Monday! Test your internal and external rotation of your hips for squatting. Click HERE!

Attention:  To the Challenge participants! Great job to those that have stuck it out! Your logs will be through Friday and Julia will be doing measurements/photos on Saturday at the 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. Wods! If you can’t make it then text or e-mail Julia separately.  Your logs must be in by Saturday! Also, thank you to everyone who came out for the Wods on Saturday and the 10 a.m. Wod as the photographer for the article was delighted. Finally, great job to Preston and please thank him on his successful first Powerlifting class! 

