Friday 11/22/13


Bench mark
1000 meter row
45 pound Thrusters, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

So, here is a little background information about the picture above.  Although I apologize for it being so blurry I’d like each of you to focus on what is happening in it – because it is beautiful.  Hugh has always had amazing mobility in his hips and ankles.  What Hugh has often lacked however is mobility’s sexier and yet lesser known sister “stability”.  For example, think of an infant or toddler as they have great mobility and full range of motion, yet they lack stability and strength.  They slowly learn to create tension and torque while building muscle which leads to crawling, walking and squatting.  Now Hugh  obviously is not a baby and he doesn’t have a problem walking but at times Hugh does have a hard time creating tension and stability when he performs olympic lifts.  That being said, today i think something finally clicked for Hugh. Specifically, in this picture Hugh is finishing the first pull of the snatch. He has just drifted his knees back and out of the way for the bar.  What he is also doing is driving his knees out!  I know you are all probably sick of hearing me say “Feet screwed into the ground, butt tight, abs on,  rib cage down and knees out,” yet I think it’s sinking in.  For Hugh, having his knees out is helping create a stable and strong hip position for him and is also creating lots of torque.  Simply put – well done Hugh!
