Monday 1/27/14

WOD 5 Rounds for time: 5 Bar muscle-ups, 5 Pistols each leg, 5 Shoulder to overhead 185/125. ATTENTION:  First, as we are heading into the last week and a half of the challenge – it’s a very tight race!  You guys are doing great and this will be the time to really tighten up with … Read more

Saturday 1/24/14

WOD For time: 100 Double unders, 30 Pull-ups, 20 Burpees, 10 Handstand push-ups, 20 Burpees, 30 Pull-ups, 100 Double unders.  

Friday 1/23/14

WOD 11.5 20 minute AMRAP: 5 power cleans 145/100, 10 toes to bar, 15 wall balls 20/14. Coming into the last little bit of the challenge!  All of the discipline and hard work should be starting to pay off.  Hopefully you are noticing that you are recovering faster, sleeping better, and have more energy.  Those … Read more

Wednesday 1/22/14

WOD 4 rounds for time of: Sled push 300lb/200lb 150 feet, Front rack walk 165/100 150 feet. Score will be slowest and fasted times added together.

Tuesday 1/21/14

WOD Strength: Dumbbell strict press 4/4/4/4, Dumbbell push press 5/5/5/5, Dumbbell jerk 6/6/6/6.

Monday 1/20/14

WOD  15 minute AMRAP: 5 ring pull-ups, 10 weighted ab mat sit-ups 20/14lb, 15 weighted step ups 20/14lb. ATTENTION: A couple of announcements:  First, CrossFit Helo is now on Instagram! Feel free to check it out!  Second, the race board for the “Smallest Winner” Challenge will be updated tomorrow.  Everyone is doing great as we … Read more

1/18/14 Saturday

WOD  20 minute AMRAP in teams of two: 400 meter run. One partner runs 400 meters while the other rests. Dress warm! If you don’t want to run you can row ;0. Remember food logs are do by 12:00pm if you want your extra point!  

Friday 1/17/14

WOD For time: 20 Thrusters, 20 Sumo deadlift high-pull, 20 Push press, 20 Overhead squats, 20 Front squats. 95/65 Every minute perform 10 kettle bell swings 53/35.

Thursday 1/16/14

WOD Strength good mornings 6x6x4x4. Then 15-9-6-3 Hang cleans 115/75 & lateral shuffles.