Saturday 4/7/18

WOD AMRAP in 15 Minutes: 150′ Partner carry each partner does 150, 20 Partner squats each partner does 10, 20/15 Calories bike each, 150′ Partner sled push each partner does 150. There will be a sandbag option! Brian H.’s B-Day Wod! Attention: Ragnar Runners – the trail run is still on at 6 a.m. – … Read more

Friday 4/6/18

WOD GFF 5 Rounds for time: 5 Handstand push-ups, 10 Power cleans 135/95, 15 Burpees, 20 Kettlebell swings 53/35, 25 Wall balls 20/14. 3 Minutes rest between rounds. 38 Minute time cap! Click HERE for old scores. Attention:  If you are looking for a great event – the Southwest Regionals are May 18 – 20 … Read more

Thursday 4/5/18

WOD EMOM X 20 Minutes: 5 Tall box jumps, 3 Position snatch. The box jump should be challenging. Snatch starts at the hips, knees and then floor.  Must be unbroken and can be power or squat.

Wednesday 4/4/18

WOD 2 Rounds for reps: With a 5 Minute clock, Max Burpees onto a 45 lbs plate and run 800 meters with remaining time. Rest 5 Minutes. Score is number of burpees.  If it takes you longer then 5 Minutes to run subtract the seconds from your burpees.

Tuesday 4/3/18

WOD AMRAP in 12 Minutes: 7 Bar muscle-ups, 14 Med Ball cleans 20/14. Attention:  Ben is teaching the Jerk at the Olympic Lifting Class! 

Monday 4/2/18

WOD For time: 2000 Meter row, 60 Dumbbell snatches 50/35, 200 Double-unders, 300′ Bear crawl. Attention: Just to let those of you know and/or as a reminder – each of our Coaches are available for 1 on 1 training if you ever want extra coaching at an individual level! It’s $30 for 30 minutes or … Read more