Wednesday 6/8/16

WOD AMRAP in 5 Minutes: Squat clean and jerk 165/110. (Squat clean into thruster is acceptable)

Tuesday 6/7/16

WOD For reps: Mins 1 & 2: 400 Meter run + max med ball cleans 20/14, Min 3: Rest, Mins 4 & 5: 35/25 Calorie row + max lateral jumps 24/20, Min 6: Rest, Mins 7 & 8: 400 Meter run + max dumbbell snatch 70/50, Min 9: Rest, Mins 10 & 11: 35/25 Calorie … Read more

Monday 6/6/16

WOD AMRAP in 15 Minutes: 5 Muscle-ups, 10 Box step-ups 95/65, 15 Kettlebell swings 53/35. Attention: Great job on everyone that turned in their logs and got through the first week of the Whole30 Challenge! Keep it up! 

Saturday 6/4/16

WOD 18-15-12: Calorie row, Hang cleans 115/75. Into 18-15-12: Burpees, Toes to bar. Attention: We are excited about how many of you are doing the Whole30 Challenge! Your Challenge Coaches are as follows – Coach Alecio ( Michela, Irene, Kallie, Brent, Jess Jones; Coach Ben ( Nicole, Spencer, Cam, Kris; Coach Julia ( Gwyn, Missy, … Read more

Friday 6/3/16

WOD GFF “Kelly” 5 Rounds: 400 Meter run, 30 Box jumps 24/20, 30 Wall balls 20/14. 35 Minute time cap. Click HERE for past results.   

Wednesday 6/1/16

WOD AMRAP in 9 Minutes: 9 Deadlifts 155/105, 6 Power cleans 155/105, 3 Handstand push-ups. (Push Jerk) Attention:  Whole30 talk at 6:30 p.m. for those doing the Challenge that starts on Thursday. It’s 30 days short and sweet.  Julia will be doing measurements and before pics after the talk and on Thursday after 6:30 p.m. … Read more